I have been charged with a DUI and I am under 21, what are the consequences? For over 17 years, I have been representing clients charged with a DUI in Illinois, around the Schaumburg and Chicago areas. I have represented multiple underage clients and unfortunately have had to tell them that they face serious ramifications for being convicted of a DUI while underage.
In Illinois, the state has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to underage consumption of alcohol. Drivers under age 21 face a minimum two year driver's license revocation for a first DUI conviction in addition to the penalties that apply for DUI offenders age 21 and older. Further, the driver may be ordered by a judge, as a condition of probation or discharge, to participate in the Youthful Intoxicated Driver's Visitation Program. The offender will undergo a comprehensive counseling session prior to visitation to determine program eligibility. If approved, the offender may be sent on a supervised visit to a location where the results of alcoholism or DUI crashes may be viewed.
A DUI conviction for an individual under 21, can also affect anyone who provided the underage driver with the alcohol. In Illinois, any person who provides a person under 21 with alcohol, can be charged with a Class A Misdemeanor. For more information about the consequences of drinking and driving while underage, or if you need help to try to prevent these possibilities from happening to your son or daughter, contact our office at anytime.
– Posted by license reinstatement lawyer John W. Callahan
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